Policemen Marko Kilpi and Minna Lindroos take intoxicated man to jail.

Elli and Matti Ylönen's twin children were born prematurely. Matti holds his daughter's Olivia's hand in Kuopio University Hospital's baby ICU.

Moose hunting in Alapitkä, Lapinlahti. Pertti Tuovinen shot a bull moose. Pertti and Justus Miettinen skinnig the bull.

Four year old Iita has a genetic mutation that no one else in the world is known to have. The mutation is likely the reason Iita's development is at a stage of a six month old baby and the cause of Iita's epilepsy and severe disability.

Apu Terveys

Photographer Spencer Tunick's installation in Kuopio. Tunick is best known for organizing large-scale nude shoots.

Sari Rytkönen is her husband Pertti Rytkönen's caregiver. Pertti has Alzheimer's disease. Sari grieves that her marriage has turned into a care relationship.

Jarmo Kuittinen works as a santa on christmas. In 2020 year he did video calls from his garage to clients instead of traditional home visits due to covid.

Savon Sanomat archivist Leena Marjamaa.

Smoke sauna.

Twerk championships competition at Club Ilona.
Savon Sanomat

The president of Finland Sauli Niinistö visited Kuopio and met locals at the Kuopio marketplace.
Savon Sanomat

A girl in a breeding bull auction.
Savon Sanomat

Policemen investigate a bar brawl in Kuopio.
Savon Sanomat

Antero Korhonen on massage table.
Savon Sanomat

Telemarketing. Ari Oksanen at work.

Vegetarian week at Nilsiä school. Jere Tirkkonen and Lenni Pennanen were told that they can replace meat with textured soy protein granules.
Savon Sanomat

Tuppurimäki mill's miller Jari Räsänen.
Savon Sanomat

Antti Styhr on a wolf hunt.
Savon Sanomat

Sauli Ahvenniemi in sauna.
Meidän Mökki

Groin surgery.
Apu Terveys

Girls do better in school than boys according to PISA studies. Math class at Minna Canth school.
Savon Sanomat